STEM-Intro - Conaway

How to use this Canvas course

On the left, there are five links: Home, Announcements, Modules, Grades, & Syllabus. This is what you will find on each one.

Home - this is the page you are reading right now.

Announcements - this is what you should open at the beginning of each class. Here I will post an announcement for class each day. The first thing you should do every day is open up the announcement for that day. You should then read the whole announcement. It tells you what we are going to learn and do that day. The announcement will also have a "Do Right Now." You should immediately read and follow the directions in the do right now. 

Modules - this section is like the textbook for our class. This is where you will find the assignments you will do for grades. Each assignment has detailed directions and a place to turn in the work for the assignment. Here you will also find instructions, notes, and videos to help you with your assignments. 

Grades - this is where you will find information about your grade in my class. If you turn in an assignment, you will see the letter "T" under score. If you turn in an assignment and it did not meet the expectations of the assignment, you will earn a 0 for that assignment. If you click on that assignment, I you will see a message I wrote for you explaining what you need to fix. If you meet the expectations of the assignment, you will earn all the points for that assignment. If you never turn in an assignment, you will receive a score of 0 for it. If you turn in an assignment late, you will receive all the points for that assignment if it meets the expectations of the assignment. If you need to fix an assignment, you will receive all the points for that assignment if it meets the expectations of the assignment. I cannot accept late assignments or re-do assignments in the seven days before the end of a nine week grading period.  

Syllabus -  this is an overview of the class. It includes information about the main topics of learning, the majority of assignments and their due dates, and classroom expectations. 

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